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Personal data First name Last name E-mail Phone number Montenegro (+382)-------------------Afghanistan (+93)Åland Islands (+358)Albania (+355)Algeria (+213)American Samoa (+1)Andorra (+376)Angola (+244)Anguilla (+1)Antigua & Barbuda (+1)Argentina (+54)Armenia (+374)Aruba (+297)Australia (+61)Austria (+43)Azerbaijan (+994)Bahamas (+1)Bahrain (+973)Bangladesh (+880)Barbados (+1)Belarus (+375)Belgium (+32)Belize (+501)Benin (+229)Bermuda (+1)Bhutan (+975)Bolivia (+591)Bosnia & Herzegovina (+387)Botswana (+267)Brazil (+55)British Indian Ocean Territory (+246)British Virgin Islands (+1)Brunei (+673)Bulgaria (+359)Burkina Faso (+226)Burundi (+257)Cambodia (+855)Cameroon (+237)Canada (+1)Cape Verde (+238)Caribbean Netherlands (+599)Cayman Islands (+1)Central African Republic (+236)Chad (+235)Chile (+56)China (+86)Christmas Island (+61)Cocos (Keeling) Islands (+61)Colombia (+57)Comoros (+269)Congo - Brazzaville (+242)Congo - Kinshasa (+243)Cook Islands (+682)Costa Rica (+506)Côte d’Ivoire (+225)Croatia (+385)Cuba (+53)Curaçao (+599)Cyprus (+357)Czechia (+420)Denmark (+45)Djibouti (+253)Dominica (+1)Dominican Republic (+1)Ecuador (+593)Egypt (+20)El Salvador (+503)Equatorial Guinea (+240)Eritrea (+291)Estonia (+372)Eswatini (+268)Ethiopia (+251)Falkland Islands (+500)Faroe Islands (+298)Fiji (+679)Finland (+358)France (+33)French Guiana (+594)French Polynesia (+689)Gabon (+241)Gambia (+220)Georgia (+995)Germany (+49)Ghana (+233)Gibraltar (+350)Greece (+30)Greenland (+299)Grenada (+1)Guadeloupe (+590)Guam (+1)Guatemala (+502)Guernsey (+44)Guinea (+224)Guinea-Bissau (+245)Guyana (+592)Haiti (+509)Honduras (+504)Hong Kong SAR China (+852)Hungary (+36)Iceland (+354)India (+91)Indonesia (+62)Iran (+98)Iraq (+964)Ireland (+353)Isle of Man (+44)Israel (+972)Italy (+39)Jamaica (+1)Japan (+81)Jersey (+44)Jordan (+962)Kazakhstan (+7)Kenya (+254)Kiribati (+686)Kuwait (+965)Kyrgyzstan (+996)Laos (+856)Latvia (+371)Lebanon (+961)Lesotho (+266)Liberia (+231)Libya (+218)Liechtenstein (+423)Lithuania (+370)Luxembourg (+352)Macao SAR China (+853)Madagascar (+261)Malawi (+265)Malaysia (+60)Maldives (+960)Mali (+223)Malta (+356)Marshall Islands (+692)Martinique (+596)Mauritania (+222)Mauritius (+230)Mayotte (+262)Mexico (+52)Micronesia (+691)Moldova (+373)Monaco (+377)Mongolia (+976)Montenegro (+382)Montserrat (+1)Morocco (+212)Mozambique (+258)Myanmar (Burma) (+95)Namibia (+264)Nauru (+674)Nepal (+977)Netherlands (+31)New Caledonia (+687)New Zealand (+64)Nicaragua (+505)Niger (+227)Nigeria (+234)Niue (+683)Norfolk Island (+672)North Korea (+850)North Macedonia (+389)Northern Mariana Islands (+1)Norway (+47)Oman (+968)Pakistan (+92)Palau (+680)Palestinian Territories (+970)Panama (+507)Papua New Guinea (+675)Paraguay (+595)Peru (+51)Philippines (+63)Poland (+48)Portugal (+351)Puerto Rico (+1)Qatar (+974)Réunion (+262)Romania (+40)Russia (+7)Rwanda (+250)Samoa (+685)San Marino (+378)São Tomé & Príncipe (+239)Saudi Arabia (+966)Senegal (+221)Serbia (+381)Seychelles (+248)Sierra Leone (+232)Singapore (+65)Sint Maarten (+1)Slovakia (+421)Slovenia (+386)Solomon Islands (+677)Somalia (+252)South Africa (+27)South Korea (+82)South Sudan (+211)Spain (+34)Sri Lanka (+94)St. Barthélemy (+590)St. Helena (+290)St. Kitts & Nevis (+1)St. Lucia (+1)St. Martin (+590)St. Pierre & Miquelon (+508)St. Vincent & Grenadines (+1)Sudan (+249)Suriname (+597)Svalbard & Jan Mayen (+47)Sweden (+46)Switzerland (+41)Syria (+963)Taiwan (+886)Tajikistan (+992)Tanzania (+255)Thailand (+66)Timor-Leste (+670)Togo (+228)Tokelau (+690)Tonga (+676)Trinidad & Tobago (+1)Tunisia (+216)Turkey (+90)Turkmenistan (+993)Turks & Caicos Islands (+1)Tuvalu (+688)U.S. Virgin Islands (+1)Uganda (+256)Ukraine (+380)United Arab Emirates (+971)United Kingdom (+44)United States (+1)Uruguay (+598)Uzbekistan (+998)Vanuatu (+678)Vatican City (+39)Venezuela (+58)Vietnam (+84)Wallis & Futuna (+681)Western Sahara (+212)Yemen (+967)Zambia (+260)Zimbabwe (+263) Destination Arrival date GodinaMesecDanSatMinut Godina Mesec Dan JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120202021202220232024202520262027202820292030Sat000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223:Minut000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 If you need just one way transport, choose only arrival date and time. Departure date GodinaMesecDanSatMinut Godina Mesec Dan JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120202021202220232024202520262027202820292030Sat000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223:Minut000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 Vehicle type Transfer by luxury car up to 4 personsTransfer by minibus up to 6 personsTransfer by minibus up to 12 personsTransfer by minibus up to 20 personsTransfer by minibus up to 32 personsTransfer by minibus up to 35 personsTransfer by bus up to 50 personsTransfer by bus up to 70 persons Nb. of passengers Transport route Enter start and designated address on map, location can be specified by moving map marker. OriginDestination *Transfer booking is possible in Montenegro and Serbia region only. Should you need transfer out of Montenegro and Serbia, you may book your transfer here: Airport transfer If this transfer request is airport transfer, toggle this button and provide flight numbers. Arrival flight number Return flight number Other Additional notes Terms and conditions Terms and conditions I agree with terms and conditions and business policies of Miross LTD and general data protection regulation and I accept for my personal data to be stored and used in the way stated in terms. Send request